Emergency Plan including Coronavirus Information

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Local response and link to national information

The Borwick and Priest Hutton Emergency Planning Group met earlier this year to consider how we might support each other during the coming months. Sal Riding, from Priest Hutton, has volunteered to co-ordinate our efforts. 

As you know, we are being encouraged not to meet with others and to stay in our own homes as much as possible. This may mean that some members of our community will need some extra help to prevent them from feeling isolated and to help with practical issues such as collecting prescriptions, shopping, or addressing problems in the home.

We still have the Borwick and Priest Hutton-wide WhatsApp group to share information, make requests for help and communicate with each other to alleviate loneliness and isolation. We know that some people will not be able or wish to access such a group online, so we suggest that individuals in this situation are supported by a ‘buddy’ who will be a conduit between them and the group enabling them to contribute to discussions, request help, and offer help to others as they wish. The buddy might be a family member, friend or a volunteer member of the community. 

Hilary Rooney compiles the WhatsApp group. To be part of it you will need a smartphone and to have downloaded either the Android or Apple WhatsApp app. She already has some people’s mobile numbers as part of the Emergency Contacts list, but to be sure you are included in the group please send your number to her by email (hjrooney64@gmail.com) or preferably text/message (07960781318). If you do not want to be in the group or have questions about the group please email Hilary. Also, if you are a family member, friend or carer of someone within our community and would like to be in the group, please let Hilary know. 

If you would like to help in some way, or be a ‘buddy’, contact Sal Riding (07437724330) or by email sal.riding@icloud.com

If you know already that you will need help, contact Sal Riding (07437724330) or by email sal.riding@icloud.com

For questions or queries about the WhatsApp group, contact Hilary Rooney (07960781318 or 01524781468) or by email hjrooney64@gmail.com

Best wishes to you all,
The Emergency Planning Group
Eric Rooney, Keith Brady,
Claire Helme, Dave Scott, Sal Riding (Coronavirus Co-ordinator), Ken Dunn (Chair, Memorial Hall committee) 

Information from the Government about this condition and any action required can be found by clicking the link below:


Information from Lancaster City Council can be found here: https://www.lancaster.gov.uk/sites/coronavirus-information