First Responders

Borwick and Priest Hutton Community First Responders

Update and next meeting

Wednesday 27th June, 7.30pm

Village Hall

 Following an invitation from neighbouring Community First Responder teams in Burton and Holme, we organised a number of information evenings including a well-attended Emergency Life Support Course (“Heart Start”) held on 16 March 2015.  Given the positive response received, a meeting was held on 27 May 2015 to establish whether there was sufficient support to set up a team of Community First Responders (CFRs) based in Borwick and Priest Hutton and, if so, to consider the practicalities and to begin the process of establishing the group.

A Community First Responder Team is:

A team of trained local people, who can respond within a few minutes to a 999 call for assistance to the Ambulance Service, where it is likely that someone has suffered a heart attack or similar life threatening condition in the area.  The First Responder will provide assistance and support prior to the arrival of the ambulance personnel.

Community First Responders provide their services on a voluntary basis and are trained, assessed, supported and managed by the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS).  For full information about Community First Responders (CFRs), follow the link to the North West Ambulance Service web-site at .

With plenty of interest and enthusiasm shown at the meeting, it was agreed to go ahead and constitute a group in Borwick and Priest Hutton.

Three people volunteered to be trained as clinical or “active members” of the team with at least two others, who were unable to attend, also wishing to volunteer.  Several villagers volunteered as “passive” members offering support in fund raising, planning and administration.

For those wishing to volunteer to be trained as a First Responder, the full application process is explained on the North West Ambulance Service web-site where it is recommended that you read the Memorandum of Understanding before completing your application formNo previous experience is necessary and all applicants will be given training and support both by NWAS and by existing CFRs from neighbouring Burton and Holme.

If you are interested in becoming part of this “active” potentially life-saving team, then please print out an application form from the above web-site, fill in the details that you can, and bring it along to the next meeting on 24 June 2015 at 7.30pm upstairs in the Memorial Hall or contact Eric 01524 781 468

As for all First Responders schemes, the Borwick and Priest Hutton Community First Responders will be entirely self-funding (apart from the training and a single Automated External Defibrillator (AED) kit that is provided by NWAS).  We shall manage our own finances and shall be reliant on income from donations and other fund-raising activities.

The Borwick and Priest Hutton Community First Responders Team  also needs “passive members” to organise activities and raise sufficient funds to purchase the equipment necessary to equip each Responder with a kit comprising a response bag with an automated external defibrillator (AED), oxygen supply, bandages, pager, etc.

In addition we plan to raise funds to purchase two public access defibrillators to be located at convenient, well lit, accessible, public places – one in Borwick, one in Priest Hutton. These defibrillators are designed to be used by members of the public, with or without training.

So there’s plenty of fund raising to be done to turn this Community venture into reality – but we have shown we can do it with the B4RN broadband installation – so let’s get on with this even more life changing scheme!  Come along on 24 June 2015 if you want to be involved in the fund raising or just want to learn more.  Everyone welcome.


Eric Rooney, Acting Team Coordinator