Village Lunches menu w/c 25th Jan

The menu choices for Thursday 28th January are:

  • Creamy Fish pie with mashed potato topping 


  • Cheese potato & onion pie with shortcrust pastry on top

Please pass your orders to Fiona at the Longlands by Tuesday 1pm.

Either by email

Or call Fiona on 0777 187 4040

Payment is by Bacs – you are asked for a donation with a minimum amount of £4. After costs are deducted the surplus will come back to us for charitable purposes. We estimate that will be a little over £1 per meal. Please make your donation via Bacs payment and put BPY and your surname in the reference box (e.g. BPY-SMITH)

Bacs details: “The Community Cupboard” – Account No. 71838015 – Sort Code: 015490

Sal Riding and Georgie Thorns have kindly volunteered to deliver your meals this week.

If anyone knows of someone who may not have heard of the scheme or is not yet on internet banking, maybe you could let them know and help them with the payment.

Alternatively cash donations can be placed into a sealed envelope with your name and given on delivery.